Sexual violence against our young women is rampant in our society and thus become a serious concern. How do we tackle this problem and reduce the prevailing rate in our society.Many assaults are been carried out daily but the society is not serious in fighting it due to the stigma attached. Many instances of rape were not reported due to stigma and lots have been done by close relative.
Here are some of the suggestions i got from people on this issue and how to reduce the violence,you can add yours in the comment box below.
From Mag: Sexual violence against women and men, young and old, is pervasive. It
happens in every class, every race, every socio-economic background, and
every place. It has become such a monster of problem that it is
difficult to imagine how a single person can help. However, that is
exactly how it needs to begin. To fight sexual violence, it takes one
person. And that one person needs to talk to another person and another
person. To truly fight sexual violence and to truly make a difference,
society needs to change. Some of the fundamental ideas that many
societies hold need to change. People need to stop blaming the victim
and telling him or her that it is their fault. It is never the victim’s
fault. No one ever asks to be raped, or abused, or harassed. Sexual
violence is always the fault of the rapist, abuser, or harasser. Someone
being drunk, high, or passed out is not an excuse to hurt them or
violate them.
In order to stop this tide of sexual violence, we need to communicate
these ideas to everyone. To boys, so they understand what consent is,
and to girls so they know it is never their fault. Society needs to
recognize that the problem exists and remove the stigma that currently
surrounds it. Most victims do not report their assaults. Most attackers
are never charged. Around a quarter of female college students will be
raped on campus. These facts and figures scare me. I do not want to be
scared of my fellow students when I go to school. I want the society
that surrounds me to change, to change its views of me and other girls. I
want society to stop pointing its finger at girls when she is attacked.
And the only way this change can happen is with one person, knocking
over that first domino of change.
From Juan: How can sexual violence against young women be stopped? Everybody
should contribute towards stopping sexual violence. What people can do
to stop sexual violence is to give young women classes on how to defend
themselves in that situation and have another class talk about cases of
sexual violence.
There can also be another class for young women encouraging them to stand up for themselves, telling them they’re not alone, and how sexual violence can be prevented. Both of the classes would be helpful to young women.
Everybody should help stop sexual violence towards young women. Having classes in which they learn how to defend and stand up for themselves will help them also, having another class with girls that have gone through the same thing as them and talk about it will make them feel like they’re not alone.
From Tugba: Violence and abuse affect women from all kinds of backgrounds every day. Sometimes, women are attacked by strangers , but most often they are hurt by people who are close to them. Violence and abuse cause terrible physical and emotional pain. People should’t teach someone what to wear , s/he should teach their sons not to rape !
Every two minutes, someone is sexually assaulted in the US. and approximately two-thirds of these assaults are committed by someone known to the victim. This number changes in Turkey. Approximately every six minutes a woman is sexually assaulted. We should teach our children not to go anywhere without parents permission..
From Emily: Sexual violence affects women of all races, ages, and body types. It is never the victims fault. The problem lies not with the girls dressing provocatively or blacking out, it lies in the attacker. We need to show boys that what they are doing is not okay, and that no girl would ask for that to happen to them when they don’t want it. It is the attackers fault for thinking it was okay to take advantage of the girl. These kinds of attackers can be friends, family, or even strangers! We, as a society, need to change people’s views on this topic. We need to teach young boys what consent is and that no matter what the situation is, it is not okay to do this to a girl. We also need to teach the victims of this violence that it is never their fault. They are constantly harassed for what happened to them, sometimes by family, friends, and even people who don’t know them! We should not be teaching young women how to prevent themselves from being raped, but teaching young men that this is not acceptable.
From Bob: There are no real answers. From the dawning of society there have always been those who find it a thrill to bully, assault, and torture other people. I am not really sure, but I do believe that it has gotten worse since the 60's. A new sexual era was born and promiscuity is almost encouraged among our teens. Instead of sex being taught at home, there are classes in school that not only teach procreation but how to use condoms and where to purchase birth control, or worse, where to go to have an abortion without a parents permission. I realize that what is learned in schools is not classified as sexual assault. But, what I am talking about is a root problem to the main problem. There are several roots to the whole system without any way of fixing the result. Sexual assault has always been, and sadly, will probably always be a huge problem. It just seems to me that it is a greater threat today than ever before. We cannot fix assault after the fact. Somehow we have to handle it before it becomes even a small threat.
Conclusion by me: Sexual violence can be controlled too by the way our young girls dresses. Dressing provocatively is one of the ways that attracts rape and sexual violence.Our men should also practice self control so that what the see will not put them to evil thoughts.A tight law and punishment should also be placed on sexual abuse offenders to teach others a lesson. But the worst cases are insiders,close relations and this is where the hard task is,.please post your comment on this issue.