Friday, 28 November 2014

Be Careful Before You Employ a Babysitter

In British English the term refers only to caring for a child for a few hours, on an informal basis and usually in the evening when the child is asleep for most of the time. In American English the term can include caring for a child for the whole or most of the day, and on a regular or more formal basis, which would be described as childminding in British English.
In India and Pakistan a babysitter or nanny is known as an ayah or aya, a person hired on a longer term contract basis to look after a child regardless of the presence of the parents.

In Nigeria a babysitter is known as (nwa neku) in igbo language and nanny if she's an adult. They tend to live with you most especially the young ones and the look after you baby and other house hold shores. Some get paid at the end of the month while the younger ones in most cases doesn't get paid but you train them in school. These babysitters are good if you get the good ones but you can be bad too when you get the evil ones.
The truth, is that leaving an infant alone safe in their crib is 99% safer than leaving the child with a stranger. It's no telling what that babysitter will do when you leave. In fact, many parents have installed hidden cameras in their house to record the activities of their babysitters, which is a very wise thing to do. To assume that you did your rightful duty in having somebody with your baby while you need to be away only satisfies a guilt in your own conscience. The act is not a true measure of protection for your child because you don't really know who you're leaving your child alone with. Leaving your child with a stranger is more dangerous than running your errand and getting right back as quickly as possible. 

For an older baby that can now climb out of the crib, can't be left alone at any time, or if you have to work or know that you're going to be gone a for long while and simply must rely on a babysitter, you have to be ultra careful in selecting your babysitter. 
I remember another incident in the news where a married couple stepped out for 2 hours to have dinner at a fine restaurant, and got back and found their baby dead. The babysitter beat their infant to death. I am not advocating children to be left alone at anytime, but the fact remains that if that couple had left their infant alone in the crib for the two hours, the baby would have been okay when they got back. In doing what society says is proper costed their child his life. 
Thankfully, in the above case, the child was found unharmed with the drunk babysitter, but parents have to be ultra careful and not be so willing to leave their child with a stranger. And it's the same thing with daycare centers. So many of them practice child abuse and children are being left in the hands of terror. It is very negligent to leave your child with a total stranger. Not all people are out of it, but you don't know that right up front for sure.

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