Friday, 14 November 2014

Sycophancy At Workplace; You Have To Deal With It.

Who is a a sycophant? According to dictionary definition,it means a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage.

Yes according to the definition above we could be able to have a clear meaning of a sycophants,they are all in every working place giving a false impression of themselves.They kisses ass to get ahead in life often claiming positions above hard working people.When they come to work in the morning they will be the first to meet the boss and compliment him "boss you look very handsome in this shirt" and now he loves me. They like back stabbing their fellow co worker in order to be seen as saints.

Check to see how sycophantic your department is as a whole.Watch whether colleagues change character when the boss is around and see how the boss responds.Some find it amusing.But bosses who believe what the hear are ultimately foolish and can be quickly dragged towards catastrophe.
I remember a colleague of mine who is exactly of the picture i stated above.She will be working tirelessly and sometimes refused to go on lunch break in order to impress the boss,but once the boss is out of the office,she will be lazy and would stop working. The situation later turned backfire when the boss summoned everyone to work on weekends since we have piles of jobs to do and we need to finished them in order to meet the target.
The sycophants didn't know that the boss will be in office that weekend,she relaxed and came 3 hours after everyone and the boss has arrived.The boss reprimanded her and she was ashamed of herself afterward.

Some told me that she has this sycophant of a colleague,she is a big time team manager's ass kisser. She came to her desk in the morning and loudly said,"did you say good morning to our boss today?" and she said it loudly so that everyone could hear it including the boss.
This are the type of behaviours sycophants are good at.
Most people including the boss will see her comment as manipulation not to mention inappropriate.if you play into it by making a snide comment back,you would be reinforcing the childish behaviour and actually encouraging it. Hence,your best bet is to ignore her comment. If the boss is insightful enough,he would be able to read her action and know the kind of person he is working with but if the boss is the dull type,the reverse will be the case.

This are some of the advices i got that will help you when working with sycophants and two faces co-workers.
Stop confiding in the wrong people.It is not always easy to distinguish between someone who can be trusted and someone who you cant.

Their attitude is a product of envy because you are more productive than them and they think the only way to bring you down is by castigating your image and ass licking the boss.

And when you confront them on it they manage to come off as the victim-and you may now be labeled the bad one,am an example. so,don't confront them at all,let karma deal with him.her.

Finally,this type of people are everywhere,so don't worry about what they say behind your back,just concentrate on your productivity and performance to stay happy all the time.

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